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1. 瀏覽者的資料只會作宣傳推廣之用途。如閣下您不想收到任何宣傳品,請以電郵方式通知我們。
2. 所有瀏覽者的資料皆會保密。未瀏覽者的同意,我們不會轉售、租借及分發資料予其他人士及機構。
Privacy & Security
The following is a statement of our policy and practices that apply to our collection, holding and use of personal data provided by our customers on the Internet:
1. The data collected by us may also be used for marketing and promotional purposes. If you do not want to receive such information, please let us know by e-mail.
2. All your personal information is kept confidential and protected. We will not sell or disclose any personal information to a third party without your approval .
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